Monday, 4 July 2016

Rome 2016

Rome 2016 

Rather than annoying my Facebook friends with my persistent posting of holiday pictures, I decided the best way to avoid losing any friends was to get all my ramblings out on one single blog post. 

Ever the thoughtful person, I booked the flight to Rome at 6am two days after my boyfriend finished his college for the year - this resulted in one sleep deprived/hungover boyfriend in tow for the 4am taxi ride. 

waiting at the airport for our flight

Whilst we were immediately blown away by the beauty of Italy, we also feared for our lives after seeing 2 accidents within the first 20 minutes of being in the city centre. A top tip for travelling with your partner of the first time is 100% to make sure that neither of you have the opportunity to get hangry.
the first taste of Italian pizza 

First Stop - Colosseo/ 'the Colosseum' 
   The largest amphitheatre ever to be built,  the Colosseum was once used to host gladiatorial battles and executions. Nowadays however, the building now plays host to thousands of tourists a day and a handful of sunburnt men yelling 'ice cold water' and convincing tourists to spend 2 euros on a 50 cent bottle of water.  I would recommend pre-booking tickets to help skip the bulk of the queue however it does move quite quickly should you find yourselves making up your route as you go along. 

Second stop - The Roman Forums 
One of the places I wasn't too fussed about seeing before we went, the entry was included in our colosseum ticket so we thought why the hell not. We then ended up getting lost inside for almost an hour and a half. When your boyfriend is convinced that "this way is the definitely the way to the exit" for the fourth time, the best thing to do is to just shut up and pick your battles. Whilst the grounds were stunning, if you are planning on being there for a while it is probably best to bring some snacks. 

Third Stop - Fontana Di Trevi / 'The Trevi Fountain' 
The place. The magical place. The place where Lizzie McGuire met Palo all those years ago. After bugging Benj to go there straight away, we finally made it our last stop of the first day. Hidden away behind side streets, you are immediately hit by the fountain the second you walk round a corner and straight away the sheer beauty of the fountain almost blinds you. One of the most famous fountains in the world it felt indescribable to just sit by the fountain and take in the surroundings. Upon a recommendation from a friend, we visited the gelato shop right beside the fountain and were treated to gelato so good we revisited the shop the next day. 

Second Day 

The next day was spent visiting an island that features in Assassin's Creed (Benj's choice), and other landmarks that were a bit further down on our priority list. Despite neither of us being religious we still decided to take a visit to the Vatican, with a pit stop at Castel Sant'Angelo. 

Despite initially throwing a slight strop about walking to the island, once we were there and I was fed an ice cream I did start the see the appeal of the place. A gorgeous little hideaway from the bustle of the city, there were less crowds to fight through and less of a worry of pickpockets or getting ran over by a rouge taxi driver. 

Finishing off the day with a bus round the centre of Rome, it was nice just sitting back and watching the sunset with my favourite person. My top 3 tips for travelling with your partner (particularly one as hyper as Benjy) is; Always have food/water ready to prevent grumpiness, pick your battles, and make them carry your bag when its too warm

Ciao x 


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